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A person wearing a paint-stained shirt is painting a chair green with a roller.

Ingka Group Annual Summary and Sustainability Report FY24

Better planet

We only have one planet, the home we all share. We are committed to playing our part in tackling global environmental challenges including climate change, biodiversity loss and water scarcity. And we have to act now.

A windturbine on a large field with mountains in the background.

What we are proud of

  • We launched our new climate targets to halve absolute emissions across
    the value chain by 2030, contribute to emissions reductions in society and reach net zero by 2050 at the latest. Our near-term GHG reduction targets and long-term net zero targets were validated by the Science-based Targets initiative (SBTi), confirming they align with a 1.5-degree pathway.
  • 30.1% reduction in our total climate footprint against our FY16 baseline and our target of 50% by FY30.
  • 96.6% of electricity from renewable sources in FY24 (FY23: 96.0%).
  • 41.1% of retail home deliveries (over 6.3 million deliveries) made by zero emission vehicles, up from 24.6% the previous year.
  • Since FY17, we have cut production food waste (grams per cover) at our IKEA stores by 60.5%, saving around 37.8 million portions of food.
  • Our IT recycling partnership in 16 countries resulted in 29.7% of our end- of-life IT equipment being refurbished and resold and 70.3% being recycled.
  • 97.3% of our forestland portfolio was FSC certified and 2.7% was newly acquired forestland undergoing certification.
Solar panels are being mounted on an IKEA stores rooftop.

Challenges we are addressing

  • The roll-out of renewable heating and cooling is challenging as many countries lack sufficient grid capacity.
  • Progress on zero emissions deliveries is affected by limited availability and suitability of some electric vehicles and charging infrastructure.
  • Increasing our recycling rate is challenging due to lack of recycling infrastructure in some countries, higher costs of recycling compared with other waste disposal routes and complex legislation.
  • Roll out of automated metering has taken longer than expected, but we expect to complete it in FY25.
  • There is currently a lack of globally agreed standardised measurement units, methods and KPIs for biodiversity monitoring. We are proactively working with external partners to contribute to and shape these global methodologies.

Progress against targets

Our vision is to create a better everyday life for the many people. We set targets and monitor our performance, aiming become better in four ways: Better homes, Better lives, Better planet and Better company. Below you will find our targets and latest performance data in relation to a better planet.

Climate change

Global warming is no longer a distant threat, but a visible reality. To limit the worst effects on people, the planet and business, we must work together to keep global temperature rises to 1.5°C or below. We are committed to taking action on climate change in line with the international Paris Agreement, working together with our partners, governments, the private sector and our customers.

Reduce absolute scope 1, 2 and 3 GHG emissions by 50% by FY30 from a FY16 base year. Note: this is a science-based target (approved by the SBTi in 2024).
On track

Performance summary

We have achieved a 30.1% reduction in absolute emissions (vs FY16) against our SBTi target of 50% by FY30 and a 4.3% reduction in FY23. The reduction since FY16 reflects a range of factors including a significant increase in our sourcing of renewable electricity and use of renewable electricity in our value chain, improvements to energy efficiency in our business and in the IKEA range, lower product volumes and the closure of our retail business in Russia. This target excludes emissions from customer travel which are not covered by the SBTi methodology.

Last updated 2025-01-28
Reduce absolute GHG emissions in our operations by 85% by FY30 from a FY16 base year.
On track

Performance summary

We have reduced emissions from our operations by 62.5% since FY16 by switching to renewable electricity in all but two of our markets, improving energy efficiency in our buildings and installing renewable heating and cooling systems. The closure of our retail business in Russia also contributed to emissions reductions since this accounted for 12.6% of our non-renewable energy consumption in FY16.

Our operational emissions category includes scope 1 and 2 emissions as well as scope 3 emissions closely connected to our operations such as operational waste and the emissions associated with producing and distributing the energy we buy (scope 3 categories 3, 5, 8 and 13). We also have an SBTi approved target for scope 1 and 2 emissions.

Greenhouse gas emissions from our operations

(thousand tonnes CO2e)

Last updated 2025-01-28
Source 100% renewable electricity for our operations by 2025.
On track

Performance summary

In FY24, 96.6% of electricity was from renewable sources compared to 96.0% in FY23. This includes on-site renewable generation (e.g PV panels on our stores) which accounts for 7.9% of consumption, off-site generation (purchasing renewable electricity from solar and wind farms owned by Ingka Investments) and, where on-site and off-site approaches aren’t possible, we purchase renewable electricity from a supplier that can guarantee the renewable source with energy attribute certificates.

Energy consumption and mix


  • Fossil fuel sources 16.1%
  • Self-generated non-fuel renewable energy 6.3%
  • Fuel consumption from renewable sources 2%
  • Purchased or acquired electricity, heat, steam and cooling from renewable sources 75%
  • Nuclear sources 0,8%
Last updated 2025-01-28
Reduce absolute GHG emissions from mobility (including home delivery, co-worker travel, business travel and customer travel) by 40% by FY30 from a FY16 base year.
On track

Performance summary

Emissions from mobility have reduced by 12.7% since FY16. The most significant reductions have been in customer travel (an 18.8% reduction) and co-worker travel (including business travel) which has reduced by 12.9%. This reflects increased use of electric vehicles by customers, co-workers and our home delivery partners as well as more customers shopping online. The closure of our retail business in Russia has also had an impact. Relative emissions from customer and co-worker travel to our stores has reduced by 9.1% since FY16. Absolute emissions from home delivery have increased by 48.2% due to a significant rise in the number of home deliveries since our baseline year.

Greenhouse gas from mobility

(thousands of tonnes CO2e)

  • Home deliveries
  • Customer travel
  • Business travel
  • Employee commuting
Last updated 2025-01-28
Achieve more than 90% of home deliveries made by zero-emissions vehicles by 2028.
On track

Performance summary

41.1% of home deliveries were made by zero-emissions vehicles in FY24, a significant increase from 24.6% in FY23*.

We updated and extended our target in FY24 as we were not on track to reach our previous goal of 100% zero emissions home deliveries by 2025. Despite a rapid increase from 12.3% in FY22, achieving our target is taking longer than originally anticipated due to challenges such as lack of availability of suitable zero emissions vehicles and charging infrastructure in some of our countries.


Last updated 2025-01-28

*Our data currently excludes small parcel deliveries which account for a small percentage of last mile home delivery emissions.

Achieve more than 90% of company- owned and –leased vehicles used in our operations to be zero-emissions vehicles by 2028.
On track

Performance summary

Zero emissions vehicles accounted for 48.4% of owned or leased vehicles used in our own operations (including passenger and goods vehicles) in FY24 (FY23: 39.2%). We updated and extended our target in FY24 as we were not on track to reach our previous goal of 100% of company-owned, leased and shared vehicles to be zero emissions vehicles by 2025. Despite significant progress, achieving this target is taking longer than expected due to challenges such as lack of availability of suitable zero- emissions vehicles and charging infrastructure in some of our countries.

Last updated 2025-01-27

Resource use, circularity and waste

We rely on natural resources and materials to run our business. To reduce the impact of our resource use on the environment we are integrating circular principles across our business. Our ambition is to keep products and materials in use at their highest value for as long as possible.

Reduce our operational waste and strive to recycle 100% of waste generated in our own operations by 2030.
On track

Performance against target

In FY24, we recycled 77.7% of waste (FY23: 76.9%). Our total waste increased by 3.9% compared with FY23 but has decreased by 4.6% since FY16. It has been challenging to increase our recycling rate, which can be impacted by lack of recycling infrastructure in some locations.

Total waste from own operations1 (tonnes)

  • IKEA stores, shops & planning studios
  • Distribution centres
  • Ingka Centres
  • Offices2

1 Our data has been restated following the sale of our Ingka Centres business in Russia. Other changes in historic years are due to improved data quality and methodology changes.
2 Data for offices was collected for the first time in FY21.

Disposal routes for waste from our own operations


  • Waste diverted from disposal by recycling (% recycled)
  • Waste diverted from disposal by other recovery operations (% incinerated with energy recovery)
  • Waste directed to disposal by incineration, landfilling or other disposal operations (% disposed)
Last updated 2025-01-29


Water stress can impact communities, nature and businesses and is an issue of growing global concern. We seek to use water efficiently across our operations and to promote water- saving products to customers. The majority of our water footprint relates to water use in our value chain and we work with Inter IKEA to help address this.

Targets under development. In parallel to publishing our FY24 report, we are conducting a thorough Double Materiality Assessment (DMA). The results will feed into target setting and be communicated in future reports.
Not applicable
Last updated 2025-01-27

Biodiversity and forestry

Without nature, the IKEA business would not exist. Our business has an impact on nature including through the sourcing and manufacturing of our products, our buildings, our investments, and the forests we own and manage. We are committed to protecting nature and restoring and improving biodiversity across our supply chain, investments and sites.

Targets under development. In parallel to publishing our FY24 report, we are conducting a thorough Double Materiality Assessment (DMA). The results will feed into target setting and be communicated in future reports.
Not applicable
Last updated 2025-01-27

​Further reading